The Mummy & Me App
Supporting safer pregnancies and addressing health inequalities in maternal and infant mortality
About The Mummy & Me App
UK maternal mortality has decreased since 2010. However, there continues to be racial disparities with maternal and infant mortality. There is a four-fold difference in maternal mortality rates amongst Women from Black ethnic backgrounds remain four times more likely to die, and women from Asian ethnic backgrounds are twice as likely to die, compared to White women. Minority ethnic babies have a 48%–138% greater risk of negative birth outcomes compared with White British babies. This is a serious concern, particularly as there is evidence that the gap between ethnic groups is widening.
The Mummy & Me app aims to address racial health disparities in maternal and infant mortality. We provide a tool for mothers and their support networks, to reduce avoidable maternal and infant deaths, by preventing unnecessary delays in seeking care, reaching care, and receiving appropriate care before, after, and during pregnancy.
Support we provide
Information about Services Available
We highlight the different support services available that can help with every stage of pregnancy journey.
Helpful Resources for all the family
We share important resources that share useful insights, advice and knowledge on pregnancies.
Collect Feedback On Your Experience so we can drive change
We are always collecting feedback on services people visit to support efforts to improve them.